The Seasons are changing, here is how to prepare

Every season requires some preparation to make sure that your HOA is ready for the changes that are coming. In most states, the start of fall means that your community winds down after summer. It’s important to make sure that you’re ready for the colder months, and fall is the perfect time to start doing that.

Pool time
Seasonal pool closure is routine in all but the warmest states. After Labor Day, outdoor pools begin to close. Send out a notice well in advance through Neighbors letting residents know when the pool will be closing. After it’s closed, conduct a full inspection of the community’s pool(s). Ensure that all necessary repairs, replacements, and updates are included in the budgets and happen before spring.

Lights, and action!
The days are getting shorter, so it’s best to check all the community’s lighting before it starts to get dark early. Take advantage of fall and make sure your condo’s outside lights are all working, and fix any that aren’t. You should check your emergency lighting, and the bulbs inside the condo at the same time. Your community might also choose to change all lights to LED bulbs which are more energy-efficient, last longer, and work better than traditional bulbs. Light and action!

Just because nothing will flower, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t focus on gardening. Call your landscaper to discuss hardier plants for the winter. Fall is a crucial time in lawn care, check your grass and spray for bugs and weeds. You should also check your equipment, it would be annoying to find out in spring that your irrigation system isn’t working properly. Get ready to start clearing away leaves.